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Well Qualified and trained Teachers

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
– William Arthur Ward

Teachers are the pulse of any school, the indispensable factor to make education happen and crucial to any educational reform. The teacher’s purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image. They are the sculptors of the child’s future, and hence any compromise on teacher quality can be seen as a compromise on the child’s destiny. Education must become an effective instrument of social change, and therefore the teacher has to be an agent of this transformation. This is, in a nutshell the impact that teachers have on the macro system.
The teacher, like each student is the showcase of the school; whatever values are seen in the teacher would be intercepted as those propagated by the school. Faculty is selected on the basis of enthusiasm and self-motivation level to undergo personal/ professional development. Staff is motivated to take up courses in professional/ leadership training. The well-qualified staff constantly undergo professional development through knowledge, skills and a attitude based programmes. In—Service Teacher Training programmes and seminars are regularly conducted for professional upgradation.
The School, through its teachers provides excellence across a wide range of academic disciplines with its outstanding teaching and research assessments leading to zero dropout rate and overall student satisfaction. The teachers maintain high standards by our long established internal training & quality assurance mechanisms.

Teacher’s resource Centre (TRC)

Another exclusive feature of our school is the Teachers’ Resource Centre (TRC). It provides resources such as Internet facility, reference books, educational CD’s, cassettes etc for teachers. The Teacher Resource Centre also conducts workshops and seminars for teachers’ professional growth.
The TRC is open to other educational institutions and individuals who would like to avail of our resources. Apart from the quality educational reference material available in the TRC, it also serves as a platform for various participatory fora, such as teacher development meetings etc.